PAC - Energies

Pompe à chaleur

The "highways of data processing" are the current element to transmit the way, the data, the video.
Tech. Support is the specialist for projects, studies and achievements of this technology which we cannot do without in our time.
Integrator since 1993, Tech. Support has carried out computer cabling in banks, industries, cultural centers, international organizations, private companies, etc.
Based on the system of RJ 45 connections and universal cabling, this technology allows us to convey information at high speeds (Gigabits). IN


Our company provides a maintenance and repair service for all technical installations:

- Maintenance contract with among other scheduled interventions 1 to 3 times a year, optional and preventive change of worn parts
- 24/7 troubleshooting by our team of specialized and professional technicians

Tech. Support SA
13B, rue Simon-Durand
1227 Les Acacias
Genève Suisse

T +41 22 342 35 35
F +41 22 342 37 35
info@tech-support .ch
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